Monday, 25 May 2015

What's Next???

The anticipation of future has always excited the losers. People dream a lot can be achieved and mesmerized in Future without realizing that the seeds of goodness have to be sowed in present. Procrastination is one of the side effects of such thinking.

We wait for the right time to do right things but in reality start doing right things now,  time will mend it's way to be right for you.

But,  today the question is,  do people with all kinds of wrong intentions ever think about the impact their wrong doings can have on them and others?
Do they even realize the repercussions  of their thoughtless acts to harm anyone?

There are lot of TV series we see these days.  Aired on TV only to show how polluted our social air is!
Criminals,  cheaters and all kinds of evil minded people strive hard to make the life of a common man hell,  just only to realize that the end of all evil things lead you nowhere. It's scary to even think of being one of the victims.  Isn't there anything we can do to make this world a better place to live?

To answer this,  words of great Mahatma Gandhi echoes in my mind : BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.

The fearful negativity that surrounds our mind can only be trashed by replacing the thoughts of positive things.  Think of all the happiness world has given you, in form of family, friends, well wishers.  Think of all good things you did in day. It could be as small as making someone smile by your sweet words.

Count of your blessings. And let the fear of negative future take a back seat.
Sieze the day. Carpe diem.
Live to the fullest.
Don't overthink about your future and be the loser.  Change your outlook and be the Winner the world would look up at.