Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Join hands to pray. Join hands to save.

Quick Read, had written long ago.. but missed to post it 

They say GOD is one.  Yet,  we have so many faces of GOD, Ram,  Allah, Jesus,  and the list would be endless. With new Godfathers coming up everyday we definitely have lot of options to choose from.
But,  Fact remains the same.

Philosophers always quote,  Life has its equal phases of Happiness and Sadness.  Equal Amount of Good and Evil.

If Good Lord God can have so many faces,  then the evil doesn't stay anywhere far behind.

ISIS, AL-Quaeeda, Boko Haram, with no exception this list too would surely be equal in number of former list.

For one spreads love,  other spreads fear.
For one brings smile,  other can never sieze to make this world cry.

If these terror groups can stand together for their ultimate goal then why do we fear???

Keeping away the trivial thoughts of religion, caste,  creed,  race can't we join hands to eradicate this so called powerful anti social groups?

After all,  Not every Muslim is a terrorist and Not every white is racist..  There is merely two categories that define a human being : the good and the bad.  Period.

The history is a witness,  Evil can never win over the Good.  Just that this goodness need to unite.  Unite and destroy all the evil.

Monday, 21 September 2020

Regrets Are Stronger Than Gratitude

Looking back at life, especially during the times of loneliness, brings back so much to ponder upon.
The self talk, at this time of the day, chatters all the thoughts hidden in your secret closet. The hidden treasure has gamut of emotions bundled up in each incident, some of joy, some of fun, some of reverence and some of regrets. Of all these, the most impactful one now in your lone time becomes the "regret"
An emotion that can put you in binge thinking of all the agonizing things you thought you did. The mistakes of past haunt like a spirit waiting for a human body to take shape and try to live in this world once again with its devastating intents. Pangs of mood swings are just part of another transition that your mind now faces. The darkness filled around, screams and yells at you , echoing it's voice in void, of the decisions you made which were nothing, but just Wrong! The footsteps you took during those days, relive in your lone world now and force you to second guess all the decisions taken. The unanswered questions fill your mind with assumptions and self-doubts. You end up rethinking on the "Best Possible Response" to every fight you had with your conscience that time. Despaired feelings descend , only to make you feel weak on knees in front of the challenges and opportunities you foresee in your future. Whispering subtly, give up.. you would go wrong again... Give up!  
Lost in darkness, you grab your pillow, stare at revolving fan.. slowly with teary eyes..doze off!
Then there comes a new morning, strangely enough, you wake up pretty early. Lull inside, you hold on your coffee mug looking outside to comprehend what just happened last night. You look at those trees waving in breeze, chirping of birds, your mother making breakfast for family and suddenly it strikes upon.. "Thank You God, for giving me one more day to better my life. Without your grace, this wouldn't have been so easy." 
The light scent of gratitude fills the air around. It doesn't really put your fears to rest at once, but gives you that tiny-miny hope to have a life that you would call yours. Just like there is nothing like love at first sight, you just get infatuated at the first sight... The strong bond of love takes time.. it's own sweet time. 
Similarly, there is nothing like suddenly world will turn upside down by feeling of gratitude just for moment.. it takes time.. it takes efforts to recognize the presence of God's will in every thing around.. it takes efforts to look beyond the illusionary vision of things as they appear to be.. it takes courage to be appreciative of small steps you take to have that self-realization. 
Focusing on things you can be grateful about are just around the corner, sneaking and hiding.. awaiting your strong will to find it. It will be difficult to see through the tinted glass of worldly achievements and societal expectations.. well, that explains why the world around today is so obsessed with terms like "stress", "mental health" and "depression". They fail to understand that the real challenge is not depression, but one's will to find things that really matters them the most.. just them.. not the world, not the society, not their families, not their parents. Just them. 
By the virtue of being blessed with a life as a human, each one of us have been granted with the wisdom to know the truth. It is only found by the seeker. 
The one who seeks self realisation, one who seeks God's will in everything, one who seeks The Gratitude.

Sunday, 20 September 2020


The story is of a happy-go-lucky girl, who loves to explore new concepts and think of implementing it. Although, not successful always, but that doesn't deter her from taking any new tasks by her stride.

For one-and-a half year in her project, she gave her 100% The work was challenging at times, while pretty much hectic most of the times. Nevertheless, it was a great learning experience.

Then came one fine time, when her team was pretty much dismantled, budget issues they said. Her friends moved out and she too was loaned to a different team. Suddenly, chaos and uncertainty creeped in. The people who closely worked with her left the organization too. The responsibility doubled up

This was a biggest turning point I guess, where at one side she felt she has been given big responsibility and other point, she lost vision of what next? She was now part of a new team, working on old assignments. It became difficult to fathom the challenges and even the opportunities ahead.

Months passed by, Covid and Ransomware added fuel to the fire of madness around. The quest for a clarity of vision had began. 

With lot of discussion and guidance from her leads, she has started seeing a light of hope in upcoming months. Hope her quest ends soon....