Sunday 10 August 2014

Ignorance is bliss!!

The best way to live beautifully is to ignore the marks & scars and comply yourself to feel beautiful and look beautiful!

The Power lies in us.

I recollect the golden words by my mother from my childhood days..
As a kid i was always notorious and too mischievous to handle.
My teachers used to call me a tomboy!
Never behaved like a girl.. playfully running around, having the crankiest pranks, falling over my head, performing somersaults was all i loved!
And as expected, at the end of day, I was left with bruises and marks with pain of course!
My nights used to end with dressing with Dettol, Soframycin and Band aids covering all my cuts and wounds.
To get my mom’s attention I would often go up to her and cry for long lost wound with a complain its a pain to live with it.
 My mom, as smart she is, would only say one thing...
 " The more you look at your bruises and wounds, the more you would realize how painful they are!
 Ignore your wounds, The pain would soon start to Ignore you!. Soon you'll forget what made you cry, what gave that pain!"

Like an obedient kid, I used to follow.. n Yeahh ! It worked man! Few minutes later, I used to forget that I had fallen to get hurt!
Now as a grownup i have few marks of my childhood mischief but source of it and pain is nowhere in closet vision!

The same thumb rule I would like to apply for life today..
No wonder we have our own share of ups and downs,
No doubt we have something that pricks our raw nerve
No questions we have some moments we cringe about
But ..
 Ignorance, as it seems, is truly a bliss!

 Ignore the incidents that kill you inside, that won't let you grow and spread negativity all around!
 Smile and Learn new ways to lead a Beautiful Life with your scars and marks!
 Soon you would forget the pain , the source of discomfort and emerge gracefully with all your experiences!

1 comment:

  1. Extraordinary... Simple yet touching
    ...keep it up


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