Yesterday : A day of darkness or a precursor for a new enlightened beginning of today?
It's just a matter of perception. The way you see it, the way you feel it. For the lucky ones who had their worst day yesterday, there is a hope for a bright sunny day today.
Life teaches you something new every time. Yesterday was a day of experiences and learning which could not have been taught better in any other way. Embrace the new things with open arms and you are sure shot hero of tomorrow.
For every dark cloud has a silver lining, never ever settle for the dull gloomy weather where you shiver . Look above all. The silver lining will remind you of the best that can be taken from the worst.
Whatsoever be your grievances, accept and acknowledge your feelings. They taught you something no school can teach. You learnt to love yourself. You learnt to see beyond the mystic feelings. You learnt to embrace those scars which might still hurt you but would surely remind you of not repeating your mistakes. You are no more naive and gullible to the duplicity of people. For today, you take your own example and rise up to have a better present and the best future for yourself !
Let that negativity fade away, only after leaving an inspirational mark behind. A mark that motivates you to live a life of your choice, on your terms. Let these learning be your raw resource to build a great life ahead.
Keep Learning! :)